Have you ever avoided dental visits due to anxiety? It’s not uncommon for people to procrastinate everything from routine checkups to root canals if they’re nervous about sitting in the dentist’s chair. Many providers try to overcome this by offering various forms of sedation, like nitrous oxide (laughing gas), to help patients feel relaxed. However, there are several misconceptions about this medication that might make you feel unsafe about using it.
You’ll need to overcome your fear so you can receive essential care that keeps your smile happy and healthy. Continue reading to learn the truth about 3 myths about nitrous oxide so you can set your mind at ease!
Myth #1: It’s Addictive
Laughing gas is known for causing a euphoric, giggly sensation that helps you feel happy instead of in pain. It’s natural to think that anything that makes your body feel good is bound to be addictive, but that’s fortunately not the case. While it could potentially be misused in the wrong hands, your dentist is a professional who is licensed to administer it for medical purposes, so you have no reason to worry. Plus, the effects wear off almost immediately once you stop inhaling the drug, so you won’t experience any lingering aftereffects.
Myth #2: You’ll Laugh Uncontrollably
Although your dentist might recommend sedation if you’re nervous, it’s also helpful for those who have a hard time sitting still for long periods. It’s much easier for your dentist to complete their work on a patient who is still and compliant versus one who is restless and wiggling. You wouldn’t be the first person to question why they offer a laughter-inducing medicine that could cause patients to become unruly.
The truth is that laughing gas doesn’t necessarily cause side-splitting laughter the moment it enters your system. It helps reduce discomfort and induces a relaxed sensation that might cause some light giggles, but in most cases, you won’t lose control of yourself.
Myth #3: You’ll Confess the Truth
Many patients believe that inhaling nitrous oxide works like a truth serum and are afraid they’ll confess their deepest, darkest secrets during their appointment. Thankfully, you’ll likely be aware enough of yourself and your surroundings that you won’t be subconsciously sharing things you don’t want to. Besides, your dentist won’t be overly interested in discussing much beyond your treatment, your dental condition, or how the procedure is going. They may require that you answer questions or listen to their directions, so they’ll need you to be aware enough to respond appropriately.
Nitrous oxide is considered safe for most people regardless of their age or gender and can help you get the essential care you need to preserve your teeth and gums!
About the Practice
At Rosemeade Dental, two dentists collaborate to offer a full range of services under one roof, helping patients achieve and maintain beautiful, healthy smiles. They don’t want anxiety to keep you from essential dental care, so they offer nitrous oxide sedation to help ease your anxiety about upcoming appointments. Plus, they combine a compassionate approach with state-of-the-art technology that enhances patient comfort while simultaneously increasing the accuracy of treatment results. If you’ve avoided a routine checkup or other procedure and need an appointment, you can request one on the website or by calling (972) 446-1111.